Effective Tooth Brushing Tips | Fayetteville, GA

A sparkling smile not only enhances your appearance but also reflects good oral health. One of the simplest yet crucial habits to maintain that bright smile is proper tooth brushing. In this blog post, we’ll explore seven effective ways to brush your teeth, ensuring your dental hygiene is top-notch.

  • Start your oral care routine by selecting a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Soft bristles effectively clean teeth without causing damage to the enamel, while fluoride helps strengthen teeth and prevent decay.
  • Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and use gentle, circular motions. Ensure you cover all surfaces of your teeth – front, back, and chewing surfaces. Don’t forget your tongue and the roof of your mouth to eliminate bacteria and freshen your breath.
  • Proper brushing requires time. Aim for a minimum of two minutes each session to ensure thorough cleaning. Consider using a timer or an electric toothbrush with a built-in timer to help you keep track.
  • While it might be tempting to brush vigorously, harsh brushing can lead to enamel erosion and gum recession. Apply gentle pressure and focus on being thorough rather than forceful to protect your oral health.
  • Brushing alone might not reach every nook and cranny between your teeth. Incorporate dental floss to remove plaque and food particles from these tight spaces. Follow up with an antimicrobial mouthwash to kill lingering bacteria and leave your mouth feeling fresh.
  • Toothbrushes wear out over time, and frayed bristles are less effective in cleaning your teeth. Replace your toothbrush or toothbrush head every three to four months or sooner if bristles appear worn.
  • Even with a meticulous oral care routine at home, regular visits to your dentist are crucial. Professional cleanings and check-ups can identify and address potential issues before they escalate.

Achieving and maintaining good oral health is within reach by incorporating these seven effective ways to brush your teeth into your daily routine. A beautiful smile starts with proper oral care, and by following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier, brighter smile. Remember, consistency is key, so make these habits a part of your daily life for lasting results.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at www.dreamworksdentalcare.com.

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

What To Do If You Have Cracked a Tooth | Fayetteville, GA

There are so many ways we can crack a tooth, and it’s likely we don’t see it coming, and that it will hurt. When you crack a tooth, it’s more likely than not that you will know. Here is what you are likely to experience when you crack a tooth, and what you should do about it.

You’re going to feel it

When you bite into something like a popcorn kernel that has the potential to crack a tooth, the first thing you will do is hear it. Then, you’re going to feel the object that cracked it either lodged into the new crack or in your mouth before you experience pain. This all occurs in a second, so you may run to the nearest mirror next to double-check.

What to do

If you have in fact cracked a tooth, call your dentist immediately. Your mouth may begin to bleed, in that case, utilize a gauze to contain the bleeding and call your dentist. If tooth fragments or the whole tooth falls out, preserve it in a jar with a splash of cold cow’s milk, water, or saliva and bring them to your appointment. It’s also a good idea to apply a cold compress or ice pack to the site to reduce swelling and pain.

Ideally, your dentist will be able to see you for an emergency appointment sooner than later, but if you do have to wait, maintain your pain levels, and keep your tooth or fragments for when he or she can attend to you.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at www.dreamworksdentalcare.com.

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.