Your Child Has A Crossbite, Now What? | Fayetteville, GA

Learning that you or you or your child may have a crossbite can be an intimidating moment. A crossbite can seriously impact one’s quality of life, and treatments can seem scary. Yet, questions like “How soon should a crossbite be addressed” and “What means of intervention might we take” are better addressed sooner than later.

Signs of a Cross Bite

Simply put, a crossbite is when your upper and lower jaws do not align properly. Your upper jaw may rest to the right or left of your lower jaw, causing an improper alignment. This can cause a variety of issues such as grinding down your teeth, temporomandibular joint disorder, inability to chew effectively, facial asymmetry, uneven jaw development, and biting your cheek or tongue frequently.

Treatment Options

Opinions are divided about when to begin treatment for a crossbite, some suggesting at the time of diagnosis (for a child, this could mean around the age of three), while others want to wait until a child’s molars arrive (commonly around the age of six). No matter when you decide to begin treatment, dentists and orthodontists alike agree a cross bit should not be left untreated for the reasons mentioned above.

Depending on the kind of crossbite, and how severe the misalignment is, its likely treatment will involve dental appliances that work to correct the bite pattern. This can be in the form of braces, sagittal expanders, and retainers that all work to correct the alignment over time. These methods are commonly employed when the entire alignment is off. If misalignment is being caused by a single tooth, it is more likely that a dental face mask, clear aligners, or braces are employed.

While crossbites are not very common, they are generally considered a genetic occurrence. In the case of discovering your young child has a crossbite, it should be treated before they sustain permanent damage to their face and jaw. Listen to all the options provided by your dentist, and choose the course of action that best suits your child.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Is Tongue Scraping Essential For Oral Hygiene? | Fayetteville, GA

It’s not the most settling thing to learn that your tongue harbors a myriad of bacteria, fungi, and food residue that contribute to your oral health, ability to properly taste food, and the actual color of it. Brushing or scraping our tongue is not the first thing we think to incorporate into our care routine, but it could go a long way to protect your peace of mind and improve your oral hygiene. Here are the things we think you should know about tongue scraping for your oral care.

The Basics

A tongue scraper is a U-shaped metal or plastic utensil designed to “scrape” the top layer of scum from your tongue. The residue left on your tongue after a meal or a full day includes the “bad” bacteria we don’t want in excess as they cause bad breath, increase your risk of periodontal disease, gingivitis and tooth decay, as well as contribute to poor heart health. When we remove these bacteria and fungi, we also reduce our risk of these bad bacteria negatively impacting our oral and overall health.

Proper Use

First, it doesn’t matter whether you scrape before or after cleaning your teeth. Once you’re ready, rinse your tongue and apply the scraper at the back of your tongue and drag forward. Rinse again and repeat. Be sure not to apply too much pressure, and to get all sides of your tongue.

If you have a dental procedure performed, ask your dentist whether or not you should continue tongue scraping as you recover. 

Get Scraping

You can inquire if your dentist has tongue scrapers available for patients, or you should be able to find one in your local grocery. They are relatively inexpensive, and can last for a long time with proper care. The material, color, and brand are all up to you – get one that you enjoy and get going!

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Don’t Stain Your Teeth, Do This Instead | Fayetteville, GA

Common culprits of staining are red wine, dark sodas, and coffee, three beverages casually consumed by the average person. There is nothing wrong with consuming dark foods and beverages, of course, but if you find your smile has become dull or yellow, it may be time to evaluate the habits that surround the consumption of them. Thankfully, however, there are ways you can mitigate dental staining with some common and easily applied practices. Here are some tips to keep in mind the next time you go for that evening glass of wine or morning cup of coffee.

Brushing your teeth 30 minutes after consuming these beverages may sound counter-intuitive, but it’s better than brushing immediately after. Coffee, soda, and wine are acidic, meaning they weaken your enamel. When we brush immediately after, we are being abrasive against an already weakened barrier causing it to weaken further. Brushing some time after consumption helps retain your enamel and will help prevent staining.

Otherwise, all you can do is floss, employ whitening powders or pastes, and maintain regular dental visits to keep teeth stains at bay. If you are interested in incorporating health practices into your life that also help reduce the risk of staining, cutting back on your consumption of dark sodas, red wine and coffee will go a long way to achieve that goal. You can also try at-home whitening strips, trays, or UV light whitening devices that may help you get up to two shades of whiter teeth.

If your teeth are already stained, and at-home methods aren’t working to mitigate the appearance of dull or yellow teeth, that’s where a cosmetic dentist can help. In-office whitening is more powerful than at-home treatments, and when professionally executed may go further than DIY methods.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

A Guide to Tartar Buildup and What To Do About It | Fayetteville, GA

The buildup of plaque that hardens on your teeth is known as tarter. When plaque isn’t removed properly from your hygienic routine, that’s when the soft, removable plaque can turn into tarter which may require a more intense means of removal. Your dentist or hygienist may employ a method called scaling in which he or she uses special instruments to remove the tartar from around the gum line and bottom of the tooth pocket.

If you are employing a thorough routine of proper brushing and flossing, you should be able to avoid tartar buildup. Yet, it’s still important to understand the signs and symptoms of tarter buildup, so that if you do recognize it’s happening, you can consult your dentist sooner than later. Tarter is a buildup of minerals that, if above the gum line, is fairly easy to spot. If you notice yellow or brown-colored stains on the teeth or gums, it may be tarter. The only real way to know however, is to consult your dentist, and they can remove it for you. If it gets really bad, you may experience bad breath, darker staining, loose teeth and red, swollen or bleeding gums.

While tartar buildup can happen, there are ways your can mitigate your risk. Tarter control toothpastes and rinses can help eliminate stubborn plaque to help prevent tartar all together. Regular visits with your dentist and flossing also go a long way in helping ensure a thorough oral care routine and minimize the risk of tartar buildup.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

How Diabetes Negatively Impacts Your Smile | Fayetteville, GA

According to the World Health Organization, “diabetes is a chronic, metabolic disease characterized by elevated levels of blood glucose (or blood sugar), which leads over time to serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves.” This condition impacts one’s life in several ways, a few of them being how your gums get infected, the actual bone of the tooth, and oral tissue. If you currently have or develop diabetes, here are a few ways you can support the continued well-being of your oral health.

Overall Health Comes First. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, it’s important to make the lifestyle changes necessary to retain your overall health. Of course, your doctor will inform you what these changes may be based on your specific health evaluation. You will be unable to maintain proper oral health if your overall health becomes unmanageable.

Hygiene is Key. Even if you had a great oral care routine prior to being diagnosed with diabetes, it becomes even more imperative that you tend to your oral hygiene. Be sure to brush twice daily, floss at least once daily, and use mouthwash and fluoride toothpaste on top of regular visits to your dentist.

Leave Smoking Behind. The smoke from cigarettes and cigars contributes to dry mouth, gum disease, and tooth decay. Furthermore, tobacco is known to cause oral cancer and gum disease.

Dental Implants. Anyone who has dental implants prior to being diagnosed with diabetes understands how to care for them, yet it becomes even more important post-diagnosis. The reason why is that patients with diabetes have a higher risk of post-operation infection and implant failure.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Oral Bacteria and Mouth Health | Fayetteville, GA

We brush and floss our teeth to keep the buildup of harmful bacteria and the sugars they feed on at bay. Helpful and harmful oral bacteria coexist, and certain behaviors can advance one or the other. In general, a good oral care routine and healthy eating will keep the harmful bacteria at bay without any serious issues. 

Helpful Bacteria

Streptococcus Salivarius helps suppress oral pathogens like Streptococcus Pyogenes and Streptococcus Pneumonia that cause infections and autoimmune disorders. It also provides immune support to help reduce symptoms of oral and respiratory viral infections while crowding out other potentially harmful oral pathogens.

lactobacilli bacteria can fight several kinds of harmful bacteria and may help restore a healthy balance in your mouth. This bacteria can be found in some types of chewing gum and people with gingivitis may be asked to use it every day by their dentist.

Streptococcus Salivarius helps suppress oral pathogens like Streptococcus Pyogenes and Streptococcus Pneumonia that cause infections and autoimmune disorders. It also provides immune support to help reduce symptoms of oral and respiratory viral infections while crowding out other potentially harmful oral pathogens.

Harmful Bacteria

Streptococcus mutans is specifically found on tooth surfaces and difficult-to-clean areas like pits and fissures on the teeth. It feeds on the sugars and starches you eat, leading to the formation of cavities. This bacteria is the main cause of tooth decay in humans because it produces enamel-eroding acids and thrives in a low pH.

Periodontitis is a serious inflammatory disease that affects the tissues and the alveolar bone that support the teeth. While this disease is caused by several types of bacteria, Porphyromonas gingivalis is strongly linked to it.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Three Ways to Make Flossing A Routine | Fayetteville, GA

Routine flossing helps to ensure that the granules of residual food left after meals are removed to prevent cavities. When traces of food remain tucked away between our teeth, it becomes a source of food for corrosive sugars to feed on; over time, this becomes the source of pockets in the teeth for bacteria to settle and the problem to compound.

Here are three ways you can make the habit of flossing a routine addition to your care routine.

1. Set a reminder

If it’s not currently part of your routine, or you have so much going on it’s hard to remember, setting a reminder on your phone or a notecard by your sink may help you begin to incorporate this practice until its second nature. If the technique of flossing is something you struggle with, employ this practice as a means to check-in with helpful guides that walk you through the proper steps until you get the hang of it.

2. Find floss you enjoy

The tried-and-true thin waxed threads may irritate your gums, so trying a plush thread may alleviate your disregard. Waxed, non-waxed, plush, disposable picks, threaders and water flossers are all available options. If one type of floss doesn’t make you want to floss, it’s less likely you will do it. It’s important to find a way to floss that suits your tastes. If the notion of putting thread between your teeth is off-putting, a water flosser that shoots a stream of high pressure water may do the trick.

3. Reward yourself

It takes about 21 days to form a habit, so whatever you do to encourage yourself to keep practicing for at least that long, will go a long way towards a lifetime of proper oral care. Marking off days on a calendar, watching an episode of your favorite show or brewing a cup of your favorite tea are all great ways to reward yourself for remembering to floss. As you go along, allow yourself a special treat once a week, every two weeks or once a month to reinforce the good hygiene habit you are forming.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Oral Care Accessories for Daily Care | Fayetteville, GA

Today, oral care has advanced beyond the tried-and-true toothbrush, paste, and floss routine. There are a number of gadgets on the market specifically designed to fill whatever gaps you feel are present as you strive to enhance your smile. These means essentially fall into two categories; hygienic and aesthetic. Of course, a well-rounded oral care routine is the first step towards attaining the smile you want, but if your oral care routine is set, and you still aren’t seeing the results you want, aesthetic additions may do the trick.

Here are a few ways you can upgrade your existing tools or add to your care collection:


Electric Toothbrushes: Do you even complete your two-minute scrub and think “my teeth don’t feel very clean”? It may be because the traditional toothbrush just isn’t cutting it anymore. Electric toothbrushes have gained popularity because they are designed to provide brush strokes that work to give you a better clean in the same amount of time. It can go a long way to providing the basic care your teeth need.

Flossers: There are so many ways to floss available for your choosing. Traditional waxed or unwaxed threads are no longer the only options. Water flossers and plush threads are great alternatives (if not better alternatives) to the floss we commonly associate with.

Tongue Scraper: While there is no definitive rule that these need to be employed in your care routine, the benefit of incorporating one is the added removal of potentially harmful bacteria. Tongue scraping removes the same bacteria that feed on the sugars left between the teeth after a meal from the surface of the tongue, improving overall hygiene.


At-Home Aligners: At-home aligners are an easy, effective means of straightening out your teeth for an enhanced aesthetic. While they aren’t meant for everyone, and you should speak with your dentist prior to incorporating at-home aligners into your oral care practices, they can gently move your teeth into their proper position and enhance your smile.

Whitening Trays: These work similarly to the teeth aligners mentioned above. Instead of working to straighten your teeth, however, you simply mold the trey to your teeth, brush on the included whitening solution to the inside of the tray and allow it to rest on your teeth for the prescribed amount of time. Kits are easily accessible and when done properly can make your smile up to a few shades whiter.

UV Light: This is another means of enhancing the color and brightness of your teeth. Typically, when you employ a UV light, you first brush on the whitening solution and allow the light to rest on that set of teeth for a number of minutes. The solution and light combination works to enhance your smile and can potentially do so up to a few shades whiter.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Your Tongue and Oral Health | Fayetteville, GA

Have you ever looked at your tongue and thought “that doesn’t look right…”? The retention of our oral health can feel like a game of cat and mouse as we navigate the intersection of the latest technology and what our particular oral care needs are. If you have never analyzed your tongue or had a dentist mention anything about it, it’s likely not to share anything in particular about your oral health. Yet, it’s important to recognize that it could, and monitoring it isn’t a bad idea.

A Short History

In Ayurvedic medicine, the health of the tongue is an indicator of whole-body health. The practice of tongue scraping has been performed for centuries in cultures around the world but is considered an ancient Ayurvedic practice. Today, with modern advances in medicine, we now understand what these indications mean.

Indication of Health

Different indicators are known to share different aspects of your health. White patches mean there may be an overgrowth of candida, a yeast that is treatable with an anti-fungal rinse or pill. If your tongue is black and hairy-looking, it may indicate diabetes, yeast infection, poor oral hygiene, or the result of cancer therapies. Red and white spots mark areas where your taste buds have naturally worn, but this is common. Redness on the other hand can mean a deficiency In folic acid, B12, or iron as well as potentially indicating fever or strep throat. A webbed or striped look can mean you have oral lichen planus, caused by your immune system attacking your cells. Bumps along the tongue indicate canker sores and herpes commonly known as cold sores.

If you are worried about the health indications your tongue may express, consult your dentist to better understand what may be going on, and find solutions for our oral healthcare.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.

Prepare for Your Next Dental Visit | Fayetteville, GA

Visiting the dentist is an essential part of your oral health. Many people are timid about regular cleanings and check-ins, but they help you notice warning signs sooner. Here are some ways you can prepare for your next dental visit to get the most out of it. 

Discuss Your Concerns:

It’s important to remember that your dentist is on your team; they are open to answering your questions with knowledge and experience. If you have any concerns about your teeth, gums, jaw, or are experiencing any pain it is important to share that with your dentist. It’s easy to turn to the internet for answers to these concerns, but lifestyle habits among other things are factors your dentist can consider with you. If any of the following apply to you, it is important to discuss them with your dentist before they potentially get worse:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Sores in the mouth that do not heal
  • Sensitivity or pain
  • Clenching your jaws
  • Grinding your teeth
  • Problems with brushing or flossing

Share Health and Lifestyle Changes:

If you make changes to your lifestyle, such as reducing or increasing medications or the consumption of coffee or nicotine, it’s important to let your dentist know. These seemingly nominal changes can have a huge impact on your oral health over time. The acid in coffee may weaken your enamel over time, whereas reducing consumption may allow it to remain intact. The potential impact of nicotine from cigarettes or chewing tobacco on your oral health is another important thing to share so your dentist can look for signs of change.

To schedule an appointment or learn more about the beautiful smiles Dr. Sukari McMiller has created visit us online today at

Dr. Sukari McMiller proudly serves patients from Fayetteville and all surrounding areas.